Rash's Surname Index

Notes for Joel HEACOCK

Joel Heacock was born in Stark Co. Ohio on November 12, 1823 and died on March 24, 1910, aged 86 years 4 months and 12 days. Except for a few years in Iowa he lived all his long eventful life in the county in which he was born.

On March 7, 1845 he was married to Huldah Gaskill who died September 3, 1904. To them were born ten children only four of whom survive him. They are C. C. Heacock of Brighton, Leona S. and William P. of near Portland, Oregon and Nathan A., of Burlington, Iowa.

Deceased began life as a farmer, then became a manufacturer, an inventor, a preacher and a writer. As a manufacturer, over half a century ago his mills worked up the native timber into staves and barrels, shingles, and lumber; the latter being hauled by ox team to Canton where it was sold to the big agricultural machine shops. He also made wood saws, washing machines and beehives which were shipped all over the country. As an inventor he received perhaps a dozen patents on various mechanical contrivances.

His religion was of the original Geo. Fox - William Penn Quakers and his preaching was always along that line, severly criticising those modern Quakers who, as he believed, departed from the original faith. He wrote and published several books along that line.

Twelve years ago as a result of incessant study and reading his eyes gave out and he went blind. In spite of this affliction he still continued to write and leaves several manuscripts written years after he became blind. A remarkable memory enabled him to retain the letter shapes in mind as well as the muscular movements necessary to form the letters and an invention of his own served to govern the lines. In this way he kept up a large correspondence. His mind was always active and analytical so that with the papers read to him every day he found constant and agreeable employment.

His death, as a result of old age came unexpectedly to his friends, and was the quiet painless ebbing of a peaceful life from the worn out body. A short time before he had written us that he was enjoying the best of health, never felt better in his life, so that the telegram announcing his death came as an unexpected shock. A few days previous he said he felt his end was near and said that he was ready and willing to go, but as he was in his usual good health the matter was not taken seriously. But on Thursday morning without a struggle or sign of pain he quietly went to sleep and his spirit took its flight into the unknown world. Thus ended the unslefish life of one whose energies were always devoted to the uplift of mankind.

The writer accompanied by his brother, N. A. Heacock of Burlington, went to the funeral which was held Saturday afternoon with burial in the Westlawn cemetery, in Canton, Ohio, only a few rods from the McKinley monument.

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