Rash's Surname Index

Notes for Francis EPPES

Francis was Justice of Charles City, 1658, Captain of the Guard and of Horse of the area served by Bristol Parish, was living in Henrico by 1669, served as Justice there, and was granted 927 acres, of record, 1673.
He died,1678, of a wound, having made a deposition that year reciting he was 50 years of age. Before his death he made a nuncupative will dividing his estate, and designating his son FRANCIS executor, to which WILLIAM RANDOLPH and RICHARE COCKE, SR. were witnesses.

During his lifetime he carried on a mercantile business at Bermuda Hundred, and was agent for a London Firm.

From the Henrico records it appears that Colonel EPES died from a wound. On December 2, 1678 Richard Cocke, Sr., aged about 38, deposed that he was at the house of Colonel Francis EPES the day before he died, and Col. EPES said he wished his estate divided equally between his wife and four children. And on the same day Wm Randolph, aged about 28, deposed that he was at the house of Col. Francis EPES a few days before he died, and said EPES, being dangerously wounded, called him, and desired him to take notice that he wished his estate to be equally divided between his wife and four children, and when his wife asked about his land, he said he hoped his brother would seat one of them (the sons) at Causons, and that Lanton would serve one of the boys. His son Francis was his administrator and among his accounts with the estate are payments to Parson Williams and Parson Ball doubtless for the funeral services.

Killed by Indians

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