Rash's Surname Index

Notes for Warder CRESSON

Warder, received an honorary appointment as American consul at Jerusalem, a protest by Samuel D. Ingham, a former secretary of treasury, resulted in the appointment being withdrawn. By then, Cresson had left for Palestine, and for a time believed that he was representing the American government. Warder Cresson converted to Judaism in 1848 and shortly after returned to Philadelphia to settle his affairs. He returned to Palestine in 1852. Warder lived in Jerusalem as a Sephardi and although he was still married to Elizabeth Townsend Cresson, he married a Sephardi wife named Rachel Moleano and had two children, David Ben Zion and Abigail Ruth. Warder Cresson died in Jerusalem, Palestine, 11mo. 6, 1860. Elizabeth died 8mo. 5, 1882.

Warder died on October 27, 1860 and was buried on the Mount of Olives “with such honors as are paid only to a prominent rabbi.” Other sources give date of death as Nov 6 1860


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