Rash's Surname Index

Notes for Elizabeth COHOE

Page 468, "Biographical Sketches", " Pelham Township"

"Henry Brown, deceased, was born in Thorold Township, August 27th, 1819.
His father, John Brown, moved to Pelham when Henry was quite young. Our
married on the twenty-third day of April 1844, to Elizabeth, a daughter of
John and Mary (Moore) Cohoe, the former a native of Buck's County,
Pennsylvania, who came to Canada with his father in 1788. She is the
grand-daughter of Ambrose and Deborah (Heacock ) Cohoe and Jeremiah and
Mary (Wildman) Moore, and a descendant of Jonathan and Ann Heacock, of
Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, England, who came to America and settled in
Chester County Pennsylvania in 1711."

Return to The Pennocks of Primitive Hall website.

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